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LOOP offices
06 Apr '24

LOOP's Impact Report 2023

Michael John, CEO

Today, we all carry a responsibility to conduct our lives in an eco-friendly and people centric way. Here at LOOP, we are fully dedicated to this mission through our implementation of processes and ways of working that aim to contribute to a sustainable future. Our Impact Report provides a deep insight into LOOP’s understanding of sustainability and an overview of our ecological awareness.

Download our Impact Report 2023

On the one hand, this report outlines statistics, analyses and figures which show the consideration put into everything we do. On the other hand, it gives an overview of all kinds of internal processes and guidelines with which we want to motivate every single employee to understand that everyone can make a difference.

Report based on GRI Standards  

The contents follow the GRI Standards report principles of the Global Reporting Initiative. So far this is our second sustainability report and we aim for constant improvement on an annual basis.

Michael John

LOOP's CEO. Founded the agency at the age of nineteen. Digital advertising addicted. Creative. Sleepless. Entrepreneurial. Always looking for awesome ideas.