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SPECT Eyewear

Website Design and Development

When a fresh, new eyewear brand approached us to work on their new website, we saw the endless possibilities for design and development for a unique market and audience. A sophisticated UX approach lead the way for art direction and UI to bring SPECT to the digital world. Modern, disruptive, and edgy.

Brand Meets Design

Because SPECT brand image is very much based in design, we mirrored this on the website through an artistic and innovative approach.

UX and Funtionality

The focus was on being as fully interactive, driven by a clever UX and a customized UI approach. The premium experience was enhanced with some catch features like parallax scrolling and cool content interactions, all while staying very on brand throughout.

Featuring Product

It was important that consumers could really get to know the eyewear range and the brand through the combo of digital branding and product specifics. We built in features for exploration, like switching glasses or lenses; in addition, to keeping true to the look and feel of SPECT.