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ADAC Trips —
Personalized Travel

A personalized travel companion

Together with the travel division of ADAC e.V. we concepted, designed and developed an app that goes beyond being a digital travel guide. The app is a full travel companion for many kinds of travel needs from activities to logistics. A personalization algorithm makes customized suggestions for users while monitoring their general travel and free time behavior.

Strategy Product Development
UX / UI Interaction Design
Development Android, iOS

Sometimes users are looking for personalized suggestions for activities, even in specific situations. This app provides that guidance. The big challenge for our product team was to overcome was balancing a general user profile and flexibility to adjust preferences quickly.

Design System

ADAC Trips was the project with which we started to define the first ADAC design system. Having a common design language across different apps, together with guidelines for interactions for web and apps facilitated faster product development and an uniform design language across ADAC digital products.


Switching from an outdated, static app to a new interactive digital product was a challenge. The result of thinking around different solutions is a great product design with data driven growth hacking. This allows existing users to get used to the product and encourages new users to try it out.


For the ADAC we developed an agile process ranging from joint idea generation, design sprints, product design, user testing up to agile development and tracking.